The History and Goal of Dried Monkey
Have you ever thought that you would need something far in the future, and for that, prepared it during your childhood? I have.
The name "Dried Monkey" was created a long time ago. I was thinking up names for a potential company (though I wasn't exactly sure what for). One of the possibilities was what it is currently. At the time that I thought of it, I was intending to use it for a website containing homework projects. I eventually decided to use it for something quite different.
The reason I was thinking up company names was because someone I know thought up a cool company name. I felt that in my future I'd own a great company for one thing or another. No major company can go without a name. I decided the easiest way was think up and ajective and add a noun. (I can't remember if it was me or the guy I know who suggested it). And so, Dried Monkey was born.
Now in year 2008, I'm considering the change in company name. (I'm also considering getting it copyrighted). The name Dried Monkey seems a bit too childish to me (you can't really blame me - I was a child when I thought of it). I'm considering a change so that it seems a bit more serious. My plan is to make a great company with a great name that is full of outstanding games. I don't think I'll be trashing the name "Dried Monkey", however. I plan to make a separate branch of my company called Dried Monkey. As you may or may not of guessed, it would consist of games for children. I hope to the very best that my plan... my dream... my goal is a success. This is what I hope to accomplish with my life.